Meet Film Director Han Kyung Mi!

Name usage in Korea can be tricky… especially if you’re a woman!

Korean women often lose their first names, particularly after marriage. They become known as the mother of their children, the spouse of their husband, or the daughter-in-law. They gradually « lose » their names. How does this impact their lives, and how is it different from our Western ways of addressing each other?

We had the opportunity to meet and interview Han Kyung Mi, Director of the documentary “Sans Prénom” (Without a Name), while she was in Switzerland filming her next documentary.

Director Han Kyung Mi has created several films on various subjects. We chose to discuss her 2013 documentary “Sans Prénom” (Without a Name). In this documentary, she exposes how names are used in Korea, or more specifically, how they are not used.

Clearly, this documentary is a critique, but curiously, the interview took an unexpected turn when we asked her about recent developments. Let’s see what she had to say!

We are proud to present her and her work. Check out our exclusive interview with Director Han Kyung Mi!

At the end of the video, do not miss the original song from the documentary with its translation!

We thank Director Han Kyung Mi and her team for allowing us to use extracts from the film “Sans Prénom” to better understand the interview and the music.